Six-Gun Justice
by AndrewTuesday, January 8, 2008 @ 8:03:54 PM
Well, Kyle finally got around to editing the film we shot last November. Took him long enough! ;) Actually, I can't say too much in this area... I still haven't finished the Eagle's Nest DVD, which I was supposed to finish quite some time ago. Oh yes... I haven't transferred the footage from a film we shot last September to my computer yet either... yet alone edit it. You know what? I think I may actually be running a little behind schedule.
Back to "Six-Gun Justice"... we filmed this in the desert last November, mainly as a test for my new Canon GL2 camcorder. As you might notice while watching, I still need some more practice with it. Anyway, the film is uploaded to the site now for your enjoyment (or grief, if you prefer), so have fun watching it!
Film Page
Back to "Six-Gun Justice"... we filmed this in the desert last November, mainly as a test for my new Canon GL2 camcorder. As you might notice while watching, I still need some more practice with it. Anyway, the film is uploaded to the site now for your enjoyment (or grief, if you prefer), so have fun watching it!
Film Page